Meet the Sheep

Bobolink Farm lambs on pasture

Flock Origin Story

We affectionately refer to our sheep as “mutts.”

From an original flock of three Black Welsh Mountain, we have bred in genetics from rams of other breeds, including Dorset, Scottish Blackface/Border Leicester, and Coopworth. The result is a charming mix of white, gray, black-brown, and mixed-color.

Because they are not pets, the sheep don’t typically have names; instead, we keep track of them by their tag numbers. That said, a few earn names for obvious reasons: Mocha, Stripey, Freckles, Nibbles, Marco Polo, Dora the Explorer…


Our sheep are raised primarily for meat, so we select for hardiness and health (including parasite resistance), as well as size and growth rate.


Fiber quality is a secondary concern, meaning that the fiber ranges widely. It works great for our rug yarn, and for blankets.


Sometimes we are asked why we don’t use sheep herding dogs. Because the sheep move to new grass every day, they eagerly anticipate new pasture and definitely don’t need any encouragement! From time to time, when we need to move them a farther distance, we set up laneways with portable fences.